The Alumni Council is a standing committee as required by the Bylaws of the Corporation. 

6.1 Mission

The mission of Bluecoats Alumni Council is to strengthen communication between alumni and the Corporation, develop and support alumni volunteer opportunities, enhance alumni connections with current corps participants, encourage participation in alumni-related opportunities, support the financial goals of the Corporation, and any other assistance where requested. (Bylaws, art. V, § 7)

6.2 Structure

The Alumni Council consists of the Executive Committee, Decade Representatives, and At-Large Representatives.  The Executive Committee comprises the Council Chair, Council Vice Chairs, Recording Secretary, the CEO, COO/CFO, at least one Board of Directors representative and up to three additional members from the Alumni Council.

6.3 Roles

  • The Chair shall serve as guiding leadership of the Council and primary spokesperson of official Alumni matters.  The Chair will be an ex officio participant of all Council committees.

    • Additionally, the Chair and/or Vice-Chairs shall have the responsibility to work with the CEO and CFO/COO on determining ways Alumni can be involved in support of the organization including the oversight on any new projects not currently undertaken by the Council.

  • The Vice -Chairs (two) shall serve as additional leadership, serve in place of the chair when necessary,  and assist in preparation of the annual report end of year accounting of event fundraising. The Vice Chairs will split participation on each Alumni Council committee..  

  • The Recording Secretary shall take notes of Executive Committee and Alumni Council meetings and prepare/distribute minutes/reports of these meetings and organize these and other files securely in Bluecoats Alumni Council shared drive. The Recording Secretary may provide additional leadership within the Alumni Council.

  • One Decade Representative shall exist for every decade of the Bluecoats existence.  At the Alumni Council’s formation there will be five Decade Reps (1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, 2010s).  A new Decade Rep position shall be added during the third year of that decade (2023, 2033, etc.).  Decade Reps serve longer terms and have a slightly larger role than the Council than At-Large Reps.  A Decade Rep will advise and consent on greater Alumni matters, including the responsibility of communicating to alumni of their era as necessary  and provide leadership and/or participation within Alumni Council committees.

  • At-Large Representatives are appointed as needed with no set limit as to the number of At-Large seats.  At-Large Reps will advise and consent on greater Alumni matters and provide leadership and/or participation within Alumni Council committees.

  • Board of Directors Alumni Representative(s): the Bylaws require that at least one Director of the Board serves on the Alumni Council (Bylaws, art. V, § 7). Whenever possible alumni from the Board of Directors shall serve on the Alumni Council. The Alumni Council Executive Committee and the President of the Board shall jointly consider the number of Board members appropriate.

  • In conjunction with Bluecoats Annual Meeting for the Board of Directors, a report shall be generated by the Chair and Vice Chairs of the Council’s activities and accomplishments of the preceding year.  It shall be shared with the CEO prior to the Annual Meeting and delivered by the Chair and/or Vice Chairs to the Board at the Board President or CEO’s discretion. 

6.4 Eligibility

To participate on the Alumni Council, individuals must have participated at some point with Bluecoats programming in the capacity as a program participant, instructor, volunteer or Director of the Board.

  • Executive Committee: The Chair, Vice Chairs, Recording Secretary, Board Liaison and up to three Council Reps are selected from within the Decade Reps or At-Large Reps.  If the need should arise, the Executive Committee may appoint, on a temporary or extended basis, additional representation from the Council ranks.

  • Decade Representatives: A Decade Rep is a former marching member, instructor, volunteer or Board Member who participated with the Bluecoats during the decade they shall represent.  Decade Reps are determined either as an At-Large Rep which has ascended to the role or appointed from outside the Council. Appointment in either case is by a majority vote of the Executive Committee upon recommendation if a Decade Rep position is vacant.  

  • At-Large Representatives: a former marching member, instructor, volunteer or Board Member who participated with the Bluecoats and is interested in being involved with the Alumni Council may ask to be appointed as an At-Large Rep. 

6.5 Terms of Involvement

  • Executive Committee: The Bluecoats CEO, COO/CFO and a Board of Directors Alumni representative are all permanent ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.  Their terms are on-going while serving in their capacity with Bluecoats Management Team or Board of Directors.  The Alumni Council Chair, Vice Chairs, Recording Secretary, Council Reps shall serve continually at the discretion of Bluecoats CEO.  will serve two year terms ending in alternate years.  At the conclusion of a term, the Chair and/or Bluecoats CEO will have discussions with any Vice Chair, Recording Secretary and Council Rep concluding a term as to their involvement from their concluding term and determine their continuance on the Executive Committee.  At the conclusion of the Chair's term, the CEO and Vice Chairs shall have the discussion with the Chair's involvement from her or his concluding term.  Executive Committee members wishing to remain will then begin a new two-year term at the beginning of the calendar year. The CEO and CFO/COO are excluded from the term limit as management of Bluecoats. 

  • Changes to Executive leadership would be initiated by the Bluecoats CEO or by one-third of the Alumni Council.  Should one-third of the Alumni Council desire a change in position on the Executive leadership, action must be approved by the majority of the Council.

  • Decade Representatives & At-Large Representatives: Decade Reps and At Large Reps will serve two year terms. Terms will be staggered such that no more than 60% of the Reps will be ending terms at the same time. At the conclusion of a term, the Representative will be asked if they would like to remain as a Representative following discussion with the Chair or a Vice Chair as to their involvement from their concluding term.  Representatives wishing to remain will then begin a new two-year term at the beginning of the calendar year. Each January those serving as Decade or At-Large Reps will continue in their roles unless they wish to leave the Council.  Continued participation is at the discretion of the representative unless one-third of the Council initiates action to remove a representative or the Board of Directors or CEO determine removal is necessary.

6.6 Involvement of New Individuals

Annually an announcement to the greater Alumni audience will seek individuals who would like to be involved on the committee.  Annually the Council will invite applications for new At Large representatives from Bluecoats Alumni Community.  The process will be developed and shared by the Executive Committee.

As At-Large Rep positions are fluid, individuals desiring to be involved may be added to the Council from the broader alumni.  Any Council member may recommend the addition of an At-Large rep from the broader alumni, should that individual desire to participate. Members of the Alumni Council may also suggest to the Council Chair an individual to be considered for At-Large Rep. A member of the Executive Committee will contact suggested individuals as a form of interview and recommend the individual to the Council Chair.

A new At-Large Rep will be accepted by a majority vote of the Executive Committee upon recommendation by the Council Chair.  Decade Reps will be filled within the Alumni Council unless none wish to step into that role.  See the section on Eligibility for how a new Decade Rep outside of the Council could be seated.

6.7 Vacancies

  • Chair, Vice Chair or Recording Secretary.  In the event of a vacancy for any of these positions, Bluecoats CEO will appoint a new leadership position in consultation with the remaining Executive Committee members. 

  • Decade Rep or At-Large Rep: see the section above titled Eligibility.

  • Executive Committee: The representative from the Alumni Board of Directors Committee position shall be agreed upon between those serving on that committee.  The Representatives serving from the Alumni Council shall be nominated and approved by at least two of the four individuals comprising the Chair, Vice-Chair, CEO and CFO/COO. 

6.8 Removal Procedures

In the event there is a question within the Council that a Decade Rep or At-Large Rep is not adequately fulfilling the responsibilities of the position, a vote to remove the individual can be initiated.  A Council member shall approach the Council Chair or Vice Chairs raising the concern.  Should the Chair and Vice Chairs concur about the Representative in question, that individual will be approached about their role/participation and given the opportunity to refute the claim, improve the individual’s role or willfully leave the council.   After listening to any refutations of the claim, a Council Member in question will have a stated period of time for further review that shall be set by Council Chair.  At the end of the Review period, if the Council Member in question is still deemed to not be meeting the responsibilities of the Council, a vote will be taken among the Executive Committee where a majority vote will remove or retain the individual on the Council. 

Removal of any Executive Committee member, including the Chair or Vice Chairs, will be at the discretion of the President of the Board or the CEO.

6.9 Finances

As a standing committee of Bluecoats, the Alumni Council is funded by Bluecoats.  Any costs of the Council are approved and distributed by Bluecoats CFO/COO.  Any requests to spend money on behalf of the Council must be approved by the Council Chair and Bluecoats CFO/COO.  All revenue raised by the Council goes to Bluecoats.  Should an annual budget ever be developed by the Council it will be approved and funded by Bluecoats CFO/COO.

6.10 Sub-Committees

The following activities exist within the committee structure set below.  Any new alumni-based projects may be approved by the Chair and/or Executive Committee with notification to the Alumni Council.  Any new Committee formed shall be approved by the Executive Committee before operations begin.

  • Alumni-Member Interaction: Programs that offer interaction between alumni and current Bluecoats members

    • Adopt-a-Member program 

      • engagement between alumni and current members in the form of positive messaging, minor gifting and coordination of snacks or other minor items a member may need.

    • Christmas IN JULY

      • Coordination with alumni and Bluecoats for this member function in July

    • Alumni Picnic (at Spring Training)

      • In conjunction with History Night, this picnic allows alumni to interact with Bluecoats

    • Age-Out Crossover (Bluecoats Banquet)

      • Coordinating with Bluecoat information on alumni involvement  and any alumni gift to members aging out

  • Archives: the collection and curation of physical and digital property 

    • History Night: annual sharing of organizational history with members that is live-streamed to alumni

  • Bereavement: creating and sharing of ceremonial leaf badges on Social Media and Bluecoats.com

  • Communications:

    • Social Media: maintaining, moderating and engagement of alumni via Facebook Alumni group

      • Needs further development: Alumni Instagram, Twitter or other platforms

    • Email: Periodic communication to mailing list of alums (in 2020 this is a separate list from Bluecoats)

  • Fundraising: Exploration of alumni-centric methods for raising funds for Bluecoats or the Alumni Council.

  • Merchandise: Alumni-specific merchandise may be developed and/or sold by the Council with the approval of Bluecoats with the sales logged and items shipped by the committee. 

  • Ensembles: Musical engagement opportunities exist through alumni and alumni-based ensembles.  Rhythm IN BLUE (SoundSport and/or Legacy Arc) gives performance opportunities to participants and provide musical community outreach on behalf of Bluecoats.

  • Homecoming Committee: to engage alumni involvement in an early July where Innovations IN BRASS, Party in the Plaza and any Independence Day activities might occur.

Note:  The Bluecoats Alumni Council exists as part of the Bluecoats Committee structure and as such is listed as item 6.0 within that governance document.