This year we’ve set a year-long goal to increase sustaining gifts to The Shield by $25,000.

Join The Shield today, or increase your gift to Protect the Future of Bluecoats.

Make a donation today to help us provide life-changing performance opportunities for young people around the world

Ways to Give

There are many ways to support our mission! Find the way that works best for you.

  • When you donate to feedBLOO, you directly support our foodservice costs. As a thank you, we’ll send a message to a certain Bluecoat, a group, or the entire corps during our mealtime. Click here to pick a day.

  • Donate here to get your name on the brand new equipment and kitchen trailer, and help us ride into our second 50 years in style!

  • Make a one-time gift to our annual fund and become a member of The Shield. Your donation will directly support programming like the Bluecoats Drum & Bugle Corps, THE BLUE WAY Educational Events, the Bluecoats Fellowship, and more!

  • Sustaining Members of The Shield make a monthly, quarterly, or yearly donation to our annual fund. Your sustaining gift will keep Bluecoats programming alive and you’ll gain access to a VIP behind-the-scenes Facebook Group.

    Learn more at

  • Like many travel-based youth programs, the drum corps experience comes with a financial investment for students and their families. Contribute to the General Scholarship Fund or the Frank Pasquerella Memorial Scholarship Fund to assist a young person in their pursuit of excellence!

  • Whether it’s preparing food on the food truck, selling merchandise, driving on tour, or assisting with our bingo game, we’re always looking for volunteers! Learn more by sending us an email at

  • You may have received a letter from one of our Bluecoats! If you did, you can respond to their letter, and contribute to the March-a-Thon. It’s easy to contribute online here! They’ll be forever grateful!

  • Each year Bluecoats programming reaches audiences greater than 250,000. Sponsorship is a great way for your company to support a non-profit and reach an art and education-loving audience. Learn more at

  • We look to our future with the establishment of the Bluecoats Endowment. This fund, managed by the Stark Community Foundation, funds Bluecoats programs in perpetuity.

    Email to get started.

  • Considering supporting Bluecoats in your estate planning? We would be honored to speak with you about how a planned gift can make an incredible impact on thousands of lives. Learn more about legacy giving here.

Action shot of 2024 performers.


Established in 2020, the Frank Pasquerella Memorial Scholarship fund is an endowed fund that provides a perpetual scholarship to students attending Bluecoats educational programming. Frank Pasqerella marched the Bluecoats in the 80s and will forever be remembered as the original Autumn Leaves trumpet soloist, a position that now holds the highest of honors among the hornline.

The Shield is a monthly giving community dedicated to Protecting the Future of Bluecoats. Your sustaining gift will keep Bluecoats programming alive and you’ll become a VIP with access to special programming made just for those who keep Bluecoats alive.

Protect the Future of Bluecoats •

Protect the Future of Bluecoats •